Tested Web is a Web 3.0 online reputation marketplace for businesses and consumers striving to eliminate fake and malicious reviews. Using AI & smart contracts we help businesses collect unbiased real reviews and attract new customers so they can focus on their customer satisfaction. In this presentation, Yagub Rahimov talks about Tested Web and its capabilities. You’ll learn about why Tested Web is a hybrid DAO, why they felt that it was important to have Web3 online reviews and insights using AI verification and content ownership via smart contracts, and their overall mission as a company.
Yagub Rahimov is an outspoken technology entrepreneur, public speaker, and an AI, Blockchain and Fintech niche angel. He co-founded 7MARKETZ Group in 2009 from his college dorm room and scaled it as one of the top 3 media groups in the FX & blockchain world. 7MARKETZ Group companies were acquired in 2020. In April 2021, Yagub founded Tested Web, a Web3.0 online reviews marketplace aiming to eliminate fake and malicious reviews using AI and Blockchain.
This video was recorded at the Digital Assets and Securities Conference in Austin, Texas in May 2022. The Digital Assets AND Securities (DAAS) conference is an informative and integrative conference that brings together builders, issuers, investors, business and tech leaders, and anyone else involved in all things web3. Put together annually by Vertalo, the purpose of the conference is to connect and enable a stronger ecosystem to further the understanding of the intersection of digital assets and securities.
For more information about Tested Web, please visit https://testedweb.com/, visit their LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/tested-web, or visit their Twitter at https://twitter.com/testedweb.
For more information about Yagub Rahimov, please visit his LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/in/yrahimov/
For more educational videos about the Digital Asset Securities ecosystem and its growing roster of participants, please visit https://www.vertalo.com/.