Capitalism is not about to be inverted. Enterprise Products is where the future lies, but the difference is that they can be funded and run differently. The Fat Protocol thesis was an early justification but once everyone realized that it was a really a bet on volatile decentralized (non-enterprise) chains with no moats and little defensibility, this thesis was invalid. If there are too many chains, that means no DApp can capture enough share, and since a DApp can decentralize and die of neglect, there is very little fat here, more lean (short time hits like Crypto Kitties). The Apple App Store is big because the platform is stable. Since Protocols are too many, DApp audiences are bound to be too small and atomized until winners are chosen. It looks much more like a barbell. But you need Wallets and Infrastructure to make this happen. And teams that are willing to work for years, not decentralize into oblivion.