Victory Litigation Fund invests in venture equity opportunities in the legal services marketplace. These targeted investments allow the fund to identify large numbers of legal claims that benefit victims, bringing them deserved social justice and financial rewards. In this presentation, Ron Lasorsa talks about how the Victory Litigation Fund plans to build wealth on a large scale through supporting and advancing social justice. They plan to do this through litigation finance. Litigation finance is an asset that consistently outperforms other asset classes, and Victory plans to maximize this return by reinvesting half of their profits. Litigation finance outperforms other asset classes because of the profitability of the collateral, which is the underlying legal claim. You’ll learn about the difference between the Victory Fund and other venture funds, how they aim to make these returns, and more on litigation finance.
Ron Lasorsa is managing general partner founder and CEO of Victory Litigation Fund. Ron is responsible for creating the company’s growth strategy, executing its business model, and directing operations. Ron brings an experienced yet non-traditional view on the market demands currently reshaping the 21st century delivery of legal services. Ron’s more than 25 years of managerial and financial experience spans the legal, financial, and direct response advertising industries.
This video was recorded at the Digital Assets and Securities Conference in Austin, Texas in May 2022. The Digital Assets AND Securities (DAAS) conference is an informative and integrative conference that brings together builders, issuers, investors, business and tech leaders, and anyone else involved in all things web3. Put together annually by Vertalo, the purpose of the conference is to connect and enable a stronger ecosystem to further the understanding of the intersection of digital assets and securities.
For more information about Victory Litigation Fund, please visit,
For more information about Ron Lasorsa, please visit his LinkedIn,
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